Movie/TV Show: Inglorious Bastards, Out Cold, and Game of Thrones
Song to dance to: 'Big Rings' by Drake
Junk food: Salt and Vinegar chips
Dream car: Lamborghini Centenario LP 770-4
Animal: Penguins
Quote: "Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness." – Kurt Vonnegut
What does being a DBC mean to you?
The opportunity to serve as an ambassador for the Denver Broncos is an overwhelming honor and privilege. Each year brings new opportunities to give back to our fans and our community in a more profound way. Being a DBC allows me to be a role model for young women, and I am humbled by the opportunity.
Who is your hero?
My parents who left everything behind in South Africa in order to provide a better life for our family. They have shown me the true meaning of sacrifice and putting others first. The gratitude I have for them grows every day, and I strive to make them proud in all I do.
Check out DBC Romi in action!

Tell us about the first concert you've ever been to?**
Oh my – this one takes the cake. The first concert I went to was The Backstreet Boys. I went with my dad. The entire concert he sat in a chair next to me, wore bright orange earplugs, and read the newspaper. Traumatizing stuff for a tween!
If there were a movie made about your life, which celebrity would you want to play you? Who would play your parents?
Natalie Portman – she is intelligent, talented and classy, but she also strikes me as the type of person who can just kick back, crack some jokes, and watch sports with friends. As for my parents, Robert DeNiro and Julia Roberts.
In 10 years I see myself …
As a multiplatform sports media personality working on a national level, heavily focused on the NFL and the Denver Broncos.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be a surgeon. I love blood and gore (weird, I know!) and I have always been fascinated with the work of trauma surgeons.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Never give up on your dreams. There will be people along the way that will tell you that you can't do it – don't believe them. Always believe in yourself and let the doubters fuel your passion for success.