Movie/TV Show: Step Brothers and anything on HGTV
Song to dance to: "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls
Junk food: Voodoo Doughnuts
Dream car: Mercedes G Wagon SUV
Superhero: Wonder Woman
Holiday: Christmas
Animal: Dogs - especially my parent's dog, Chowder
Quote: "In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take."
This week's Cheerleader Spotlight is on Hayley.

What does being a Denver Broncos Cheerleader mean to you?**
Being a DBC means the world to me. I get to be a part of the most amazing organization in the NFL. I get to be a role model for young girls in our Junior Denver Broncos Cheerleaders program. I am excited to share my passion for dance with all the fans and cheer on the Broncos.
Who is your hero?
My mom. She is my rock! She is always there for me no matter what and is truly my best friend.
What was the first concert you've ever been to?
The first concert I went to was Keith Urban at the Iowa State Fair. I remember singing all words to the songs and dancing with my friends.
If there were a movie made about your life, which celebrity would you want to play you? Who would play your parents?
I would want Blake Lively to play me, Jon Hamm for my dad and Amy Poehler for my mom. My parents are pretty much goofballs 24/7.

What is your dream vacation destination?
I would love to go to Bora Bora and stay in a tiki hut over the ocean.
In 10 years I see myself…
I hope to see myself expanding my business. I would love to travel more and take advantage of all the activities Colorado has to offer.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a dance teacher.
What advice would you give your younger self?
Don't sweat the small stuff and enjoy life!