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Mile High Morning: Peyton Manning details being 'an ambassador' for the Broncos, adding Bill Belichick to ManningCast lineup


The Lead

Peyton Manning hasn't slowed down since retirement.

The Hall of Fame quarterback has been involved in a number of ventures, including the development of his Omaha Productions media company. And while he continues to be asked about whether he's interested in running a team, Manning said his focus rests on serving as an ambassador for his former teams and on continuing his "Monday Night Football" ManningCast production with his brother Eli and former Patriots head coach Bill Belichick.

"No, I don't think that's anywhere on my radar, by any means," Manning said Wednesday when asked if he'll pursue running a team. "Look, I love being an ambassador for the Broncos and for the Colts and for the University of Tennessee. Obviously living here, I get to go to all the Broncos games. I was out at the facility the other day. Our kids do sports in the area around [Centura Health Training Center], so I'm probably at the facility a couple times a week. They have great snacks over there in the cafeteria. I don't know if I'm being charged for those or what, but it's great access. I still have my key fob that still works from when I played, so [Broncos Vice President of Security] Keith Bishop never made that go away, so that's helpful as well. I'm excited about still being a part of the team and a part of this community. I take seriously sort of that role of being an ambassador for all the teams that I played for, but living here in Denver maybe even more so. [I] do some stuff with the Broncos' sponsors and some of their suite holders, so I still feel an attachment and really have enjoyed getting to know the [Walton-Penner family] as well. As far as running a team, I don't think that's on my radar."

Manning will also be busy for another 10 Mondays this fall, as he and Eli return for the fourth season of the ManningCast.

"I really have enjoyed doing it," Manning said. "I enjoy working with Eli. That makes it fun. I think Eli and I really have a lot of fun doing the show. I think a big reason for that is I do it from here in Denver and he does it from New Jersey. I think we're very happy about being able to do it and be home on the weekends and be home 10 minutes after the show. I think when you're having fun doing something, the audience sees that you're having fun — maybe they have fun with you. I think that's the goal."

Manning said the game of football remains important to him and that he's a "staunch defender" of the sport. In his role with the remotely broadcasted ManningCast, he's able to serve as a positive force for the game while remaining closely involved with his kids' lives. And this season, Belichick will join the Mannings' broadcast to bring another element to the fan-favorite show.

"This year we're going to add Bill Belichick," Manning said. "Now, explain that. I'm kind of wondering if I've been hit in the head too many times. I was recruiting a guy — he was being courted by the other networks — and I was recruiting a guy that pretty much made a lot of my football life miserable. And I was [saying] to him, 'No, we really want you to come work with us.' I think that will be great to bring a whole different kind of insight to the game on the defensive side. Bill Belichick knows all things football and I just remember Tom Brady used to tell me how he used to sit with Coach Belichick on Tuesdays, and Belichick would just kind of tell him what we need to do to win this game. 'Tom, this is what the defense is going to try to do to you.' [Former Colts head coach] Tony Dungy did that with me. So to have that different perspective on every game that Eli and I are doing this year I think will be awesome. We're excited to do it again, and it's been fun to do."

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